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The Role of Kubernetes in DevOps – Use Cases & Other Tools
Kubernetes12 min read
The Role of Kubernetes in DevOps – Use Cases & Other Tools

Discover why you should use Kubernetes for DevOps and see an overview of how Kubernetes supports effective DevOps strategies.

Terraform on AWS – Deploying AWS Resources
Terraform24 min read
Terraform on AWS – Deploying AWS Resources

Dive deep into AWS and Terraform. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to provision AWS infrastructure using Terraform. See examples.

How to use Terraform and Proxmox to Deploy a VM
Terraform13 min read
How to use Terraform and Proxmox to Deploy a VM

In this tutorial, you will learn how to use Terraform with Proxmox provider to deploy a virtual machine. See the example setup.

What is a Kubernetes Workload? Resource Types & Examples
Kubernetes12 min read
What is a Kubernetes Workload? Resource Types & Examples

Kubernetes workload explained. Workload resources, how they work, and use cases. See best practices to keep your workloads secure.

Top 47 DevOps Statistics 2024: Growth, Benefits, and Trends
General12 min read
Top 47 DevOps Statistics 2024: Growth, Benefits, and Trends

Check out 47 DevOps statistics and data roundups for top challenges, activities in IT sector, adoption rates, industry growth, and more.

How to Manage and Automate AWS with Ansible
Ansible13 min read
How to Manage and Automate AWS with Ansible

Learn how to use Ansible in AWS, including dynamic inventory and modules. See examples, benefits and best practices.

Azure Pipelines Tutorial: What Is It, Key Features & Examples
General20 min read
Azure Pipelines Tutorial: What Is It, Key Features & Examples

What is Azure Pipelines? See the key features like variables, triggers and others, and how to use Pipelines with YAML in action.

What Is Flux CD & How Does It Work? [Tutorial]
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What Is Flux CD & How Does It Work? [Tutorial]

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use Flux CD features for Kubernetes GitOps. Flux CD vs ArgoCD explained.

Kubernetes Environment Variables – Setting & Managing
Kubernetes12 min read
Kubernetes Environment Variables – Setting & Managing

Learn what the environment variables in Kubernetes are. See examples - how to set them and pass them in deployment YAML files.

12 Terraform Security Best Practices (& 7 Common Risks)
Terraform13 min read
12 Terraform Security Best Practices (& 7 Common Risks)

What are the best practices to follow when using Terraform for your IaC? See how to keep your Terraform code, state file, and modules safe.

Cloud Governance – What Is It, Framework & Models
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Cloud Governance – What Is It, Framework & Models

What is cloud governance, and why does it matter? See the types of control and framework, best practices, and challenges.

How to Manage On-premise Infrastructure with Terraform
Terraform8 min read
How to Manage On-premise Infrastructure with Terraform

Learn how to provision on-premise servers with Terraform. See examples for vSphere provider, Kubernetes provider, and more.

Ansible Conditionals – When, Register & Other Examples
Ansible12 min read
Ansible Conditionals – When, Register & Other Examples

Learn what Ansible conditionals are with examples for when and register. See how to use AND, OR, and NOT operators for multiple conditions.

Argo Rollouts – What Is It, How It Works & Tutorial
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Argo Rollouts – What Is It, How It Works & Tutorial

Deep dive into Argo Rollouts, what it is and use cases. See how to install it with Helm chart and use it for canary and blue-green deployments.

9 Terraform Use Cases for Your Infrastructure as Code
Terraform7 min read
9 Terraform Use Cases for Your Infrastructure as Code

Discover nine scenarios in which Terraform is used best. See real-life use cases for Terraform with code examples.

Using ArgoCD & Terraform to Manage Kubernetes Cluster
Terraform12 min read
Using ArgoCD & Terraform to Manage Kubernetes Cluster

In this step by step tutorial, you will learn how to deploy ArgoCD with Terraform to manage a Kubernetes cluster.

Using Terraform YAML Functions: Yamldecode & Yamlencode
Terraform9 min read
Using Terraform YAML Functions: Yamldecode & Yamlencode

See how to use Terraform yamldecode and yamlencode functions to generate YAML code and read YAML files with examples.

26 Top Kubernetes Tools for Your K8s Ecosystem in 2024
Kubernetes16 min read
26 Top Kubernetes Tools for Your K8s Ecosystem in 2024

Explore the list of 26 best tools you can use with your Kubernetes ecosystem, including monitoring, security, CI/CD and deployment tools.

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The Practitioner’s Guide to Scaling Infrastructure as Code

Transform your IaC management to scale

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into the future.

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